RIVIAM co-ordinates care delivery by a new Compassionate Community hub in Bath and North East Somerset

2 April 2020

RIVIAM has set up the infrastructure and our RIVIAM Wellbeing service is being used to co-ordinate care delivery by a new Compassionate Community hub in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES).

The hub will help vulnerable residents and people with serious health conditions access a range of critical support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Using RIVIAM, teams of healthcare and social care professionals along with the voluntary sector can work together and share information so they can help people who are most in need with food, mental health, wellbeing and welfare.

The BaNES Compassionate Community hub

Fast set up

The RIVIAM team worked with partners Virgin Care, BaNES Council and 3SG, who are co-ordinating the efforts of local third sector groups and volunteers, to set up the hub.

In less than a week, RIVIAM configured a secure technical infrastructure and, working with our telephony partner Gradwell, added the telephony required.

The hub launched on 30th March 2020 and phone lines are open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm initially. This will increase to seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. The telephone number is 0300 2470050. You can read more about the hub on BaNES council's website.

RIVIAM team sets up the Compassionate Community hub for the vulnerable residents of BaNES

Wellbeing service

On 27th April 2020, RIVIAM's Wellbeing service went live enabling hub teams to manage requests online and efficiently co-ordinate them amongst the many partners.

Partner organisations can login to RIVIAM to receive and manage cases. They can still utilise their existing IT systems, but use RIVIAM as a means of co-ordinating care with others.

RIVIAM provides a shared ‘single’ view of what is happening for a person and an efficient digital system.

Information governance

With so many organisations from different sectors working within RIVIAM, information governance is critical.

RIVIAM ensures that when a user signs up they are given access rights to see only the pathways, cases and patient records relevant to them.

RIVIAM's Wellbeing service at the Compassionate Community Hub

Supporting lives

Paul Targett, RIVIAM's Managing Director, comments: "In a matter of days, we delivered the digital heart of the hub and, with our Wellbeing service, are bringing together and co-ordinating the efforts and invaluable contributions of all parts of the BaNES support community - including health, social care, wellbeing providers and the third sector.

RIVIAM is delighted to step up and play our role as a digital healthcare innovator to help the people of BaNES during this very challenging time. We also stand ready to help other regions wanting to support the needs of their residents."

Watch the video

This short video explains the need for the hub and what's happened so far.

Get in touch

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you support your residents with care co-ordination, please get in touch. We want to do all we can to support people during this unprecedented time.

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