RIVIAM MD, Paul Targett, talks to Health Tech News

26 February 2020

Our Managing Director, Paul Targett, had a really interesting interview with Health Tech News about how RIVIAM delivers co-ordinated care for NHS Trusts and he also shared some of our learnings for other Health Tech innovators.

This links to the full HTN interview.

A couple of interesting quotes include:

On delivering new models of care

"We work with primary care and there is a lot of pressure to deliver new models of care. In the past, there was only talk about different models of care, now there is a renewed impetus to deliver it."

Our work with the 3rd sector

"Third sector involvement is an area of real innovation. We understand the community health and care model well and are working with a couple of our customers to understand what we can do to involve third sector providers in delivering new models of care."

The NHS App

"The NHS app is a recent and useful development, particularly with the announcement of the new login toolkit. It means we can use it to develop new services, and we can combine this work with our interface with TPP’s SystmOne™.

On our biggest achievement over the last 12 months

"Our platform is used by child and adolescent mental health services some of which are 100% reliant on using our platform to deliver their service. That means that now, if a schoolteacher or a social worker raises an issue or referral through one of our portals, within seconds of them pressing that submit button we’ve reviewed it. So, I’m proud that we’ve helped thousands of children receive care more quickly through shortening the time for that first engagement."

A few learnings for others

"Avoid becoming a pilot because the NHS is full of dead pilots. The hardest thing starting out in this space is finding something that is really usable and has a level of traction and sustainability to move beyond initial funding. We’ve never received any funding for RIVIAM; everything we’ve done has been to deliver against operational needs. Your focus should be all about providing benefits every single day."

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