Case studies
RIVIAM Digital Care’s Hospital Discharge service: ready for NHSE’s Care Traffic Control Centre roll out
The service launched in 2023 speeds up discharge, reduces readmission rates and supports system-wide efficiency.
Vaccination UK partners with RIVIAM to digitise provision of children’s immunisations across numerous counties and boroughs in England
For the 2023/2024 immunisation programmes, RIVIAM is expecting to process over 1.1 million consents for Vaccination UK
In 2024, BaNES Community Wellbeing Hub uses RIVIAM to enable 30 different health and social care partners to co-ordinate care
RIVIAM provides a shared referral management system so authorised users from the different organisations can collaborate
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) delivers its childhood immunisations service in 9 London boroughs using RIVIAM
Improving data quality, protecting sensitive patient information, and giving nurses more time to spend on clinical care and health promotion in schools
Forward Thinking Birmingham deploys RIVIAM for secure referral management to mental health services
RIVIAM helps Forward Thinking Birmingham deliver much quicker, safer communication about a patient’s needs
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust uses RIVIAM’s referral management solution to deliver Children & Family Health Service
RIVIAM helps SABP increase staff productivity through removing manual processes and filtering referrals by priority so the caseload can be managed
HCRG Care Group delivers its childhood immunisations service in three counties using RIVIAM
Meeting challenges of going paperless, increasing staff productivity and saving costs