Secure Referral Portals

Customisable referral portal and forms collect sensitive information improving care delivery

  • Healthcare
  • Community health
  • Community mental health
  • Children's services
  • Adult services

The secret to delivering an effective referral service is managing data, not paper. Secure Referral Portals enable the digital front door, speeding up referrals, creating efficiencies and enhancing patient engagement.

Branded providing a great experience

Portals are designed and branded to match your needs and remove the requirement for sharing paper forms whilst also ensuring data completeness. We deliver an optimum user experience with a focus on sustainability and accessibility. 

Dynamic forms

Forms feature smart lookups and a decision-tree approach, ensuring the collection of accurate information from referrers. Referrers can also effortlessly request multiple services for a patient using a single form. Each service requested can be allocated to a service line once it's received in RIVIAM.

Let's get technical

Using the latest integrations from NHS England

RIVIAM integrates the NHS FHIR® ODS Lookup service enabling referrers to easily search for and select the patient's GP practice.

By integrating with the NHS Spine Mini service, the patients details are automatically validated, ensuring greater data accuracy and reliability.

Manage your backlogs

Received in real time

Seconds after the referrer completes the referral, it appears in the RIVIAM Workflow service ready for processing.

Provide reassurance

Automatic acknowledgement

When RIVIAM receives a referral, an email is automatically created thanking the user for their referral and includes a reference number. This reference number can then be used in future correspondence. Referrers also receive a link to allow them to download a PDF copy of the referral for their records.

More from Referral Management services

One digital space for referrals

Service Directory

Enables professionals and citizens to find and make referrals to services in one step, saving time and improving care co-ordination

Transform care pathways

Workflow for your Single Point of Access

Manages referrals and improves care co-ordination, boosting productivity and eliminating backlogs

No more monitoring of email accounts

Email Processing service

Automates email processing into pathways, boosting productivity

We want to hear from you

If you would like to find out more about our services and how we can help, please get in touch